Studio Collaborators

KA—A is formed of a diverse range of architects, artist, and the team that keeps the wheels running as part of our accounts and management team. KA—A shares resources with other architects when required as part of the London Group of Architects and Paradigm networks.

Kristofer Adelaide

Architectural Design Director & Founder

Angelene Clarke

Business development & Director of Bearded LadieS

Kalin Lyudmilov Petrov

Architectural designer

Scott Lewis

Architectural Designer

Jo Gibbs

Office Manager

Christopher Darby


Konstantina Tsapakidou

Passive Haus Designer and Associate Architect, and Director of StudioFiftyOne

Want to work with us?

KAA has collaborated with some excellent people and studios in the last few years. We love to establish new collaborations. If you are a structural, mechanical, acoustic, cost or other consultant and would like to discuss how we could work together in the future, please reach out at: